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the Movie
Club Annals ...
Empire of the Ants
Reviewed by Carl R.

Ant's Eye View
... |
of the Ants was one of those rare movies that rated two
viewings by the Movie Club. After all, a couple of Charter
members were absent from the first viewing, and the ant-haves
among us had to bear the great burden of guilt over the ensuing trauma
suffered by the absent ant-have-nots. |
top of that, the California contingent rolled into town
unexpectedly, presenting the ant-haves with a precious
opportunity to enlighten their ant-dispossessed comrades. And so
it was. A second viewing of Empire of the Ants was arranged.
Redemption. Deliverance. Freedom, at long last.
it is oh-so-necessary to add this thought; Empire of the
Ants was the only known antidote for the ant-dispossessed.
An antidepressant of sorts. I'll stop now
(actually, I can't.) |
opening scenes of Empire might have led one to believe
they were watching "Land of the Leisure Suits" or
"Shire of the Station Wagons".
But Empire was filmed in the 70's, and it simply
screamed with visions of the most unsightly era in modern
history. I half expected to see the ants in bell bottoms, but
fortunately they had the good fashion sense to stick with the
straight legs. If only Joan Collins could have exhibited the
same good sense. |

enough, Empire had a minor hole in the plot that now calls
for some gentle probing. In the morning, a bunch of morons on a
boat were tossing barrels of radioactive waste into the ocean. Later that same morning, the radioactive barrels washed up on
the shore of the fraudulent resort island and began to leak
silver radioactive paint. Still later that same morning, some
rather non-descript ants of average proportion came by and fed
on the radioactive silver paint. And maybe a couple of hours
after that, the first giant ants made their
appearance. |
gets worse, as you know, but we'll return to this line of
thought after giving some of the other plot details an
appropriate level of scrutiny (but to tip you off just a bit,
I was already rooting for the ants by this point.) |
had the usual cast of disaster flick characters - the coward,
the goat, the unlikely hero, the damsel in distress, the elderly
couple, etc. They
all arrive on the fraudulent resort island expecting to receive
a free meal (although some of them end up being a free
meal.) Then the giant ants show up. The captain of the boat,
however, just happens to a be an expert on ant behavior, and instructs
the various cowards, goats, and damsels in distress to light
a fire and stick close to it. |

rain puts the fire out, and the various cowards, goats and
heroes can't find any dry wood in the nearby forest/dry wood
depository, so they are forced to run into the woods amongst the
giant ants, which they wouldn't have had to do if they
had gone into the woods in the first place and got some dry wood
and kept the fire burning (they could have used a phone, radio
or some other communication device to call for help, but, well,
you know.) |
then the fun begins. The giant ants begin picking off victims, starting
with the weak and unworthy, and working their way up the food
chain. The remaining humans soon discover that the giant
ants are herding them into a certain direction, so, the humans
just kind of go with the flow and head straight for the danger.
Before long, they wander into a Floridian town, who's sole
economic support is the local sugar refinery. I didn't see any
sugar refineries when I lived in Florida, but that's because I
didn't visit any fraudulent resort islands (except for Disney
World). |

they meet the Unbelieving Town Officials, but hah! There is a
twist. The
Unbelieving Town Officials are actually Brainwashed Town
Officials. They have been poofed!
A typical poofing goes like this:
The entire town lines up in the sugar refinery.
The queen ant is seated in a giant telephone (poofing)
A town resident is led into the poofing both and instructed to
stare at the queen ant.
The queen ant takes a hit off the bong and blows the smoke
through the glass into the face of the town resident.
The freshly poofed town resident is led back to the sugar
refinery and put back to work.
The next town resident is placed in the poofing booth for
The process is repeated until all the town residents are freshly
poofed. |
don't know why this particular thought comes to mind, but if the
town residents wanted to catch a buzz, there were
probably easier ways to go about it. This is Florida, after all,
and rumor has it that certain substances are readily available
for those who don't want to face reality (although a
former resident of Florida myself, I can't personally substantiate
these rumors.) |
back to that minor hole in the plot I mentioned earlier, the one
that called for a gentle probing. Let's just grant the
whole business a giant leap of faith and suppose that
ants can grow into giants after eating silver paint.
Let's also suppose that they can become intelligent
enough to herd people into a particular location, and to
permanently enslave them afterwards. |
we'll also take it on faith that the giant ants can
develop the intellectual capacity to efficiently manage the
sugar refinery; i.e. fill out order forms, balance the books,
take messages, pay the taxes, repair the machinery, pave the
roads, interact with non-ants to cut deals for raw materials,
manipulate the futures market, construct a poofing both,
calculate debt to equity ratio, compute LIFO & FIFO
inventory levels, etc., etc. |
just buy all that for the moment.
But for the ants to accomplish all of the above in 24
hours or less, like so?:
The ants eat the radioactive silver paint.
The ants turn into giant ants.
- The giant ants discover a
sugar refinery.
- The giant ants wrest the sugar refinery away from its
rightful owners.
- The giant ants permanently enslave every person in
- The giant ants begin utilizing the enslaved workforce
for the ongoing operation of the sugar refinery.
Joan Collins & company arrive on the fraudulent resort island.
Joan Collins & company spot the giant ants.
The giant ants start herding Joan Collins & company toward the sugar
The giant ants continue and complete the task of herding
Joan Collins & company toward the sugar refinery. |
what we the viewers are asked to believe. Sorry.
No way. No dice. No
deal. Nada.
Dah. Nee. Nein. Nae. Ne.
Nou. Nyet. Natha. Ni.
Uh-uh. |
I've got a Business Degree.
Granted, it took me five years to get my four
degree because I got poofed once or twice along the way, but I
still have a fair idea of how long it takes to set up and run a
business. Even
lacking specific experience in the fields of sugar refining and
human enslavement, I can tell you that it takes somewhat longer
than 24 hours to set up a sugar factory with a slave-based work
force. |

didn't really have an ending, so we were all able to choose our
own. Mine? Seeing Joan Collins get mauled by a giant ant,
which was almost as satisfying as seeing Bo Derek get mauled by
a killer whale in Orca.
II? Well,
stranger things have not happened. But as long there's
hope - and Joan Collins - the Movie Club will not yield to
despair. |

POOF!!! |