
Random thoughts on “Zoltan
- Hound of Dracula”
by Karin F. |
It immediately strikes the viewer that the production values are nil. There is no background sound track during the opening sequence. The stuffed animals used during the dog on dog attacks render those sequences so mild that a 6 year old could watch them. The subsequent dripping blood off the dentures is best left unmentioned. When the dog attacks a lone camper, the camper seems to be pulling the dog toward him more than reacting to an attack. |



Stake |
Vampire Coffins
Aflame |
Zoltan in his
Packing Crate |
Consistent vampire logic is
lacking - |
- Zoltan and his owner are revived when the wooden stakes are pulled from their remains. Why don’t they just open up Dracula’s coffin and pull out his stake? What’s up with that? Is he stale dated? Jose
Ferrer doesn’t think so since he takes the precaution to burn the staked bodies.
- Zoltan has a dream sequence flashback of how he became a vampire. Interestingly enough he can remember scenes where he was not even present, such as the obligatory Dracula about to bite the woman bedroom scene.
- Zoltan’s packing crate gets opened in full daylight (not a wisp of mist) and he is exposed to the sun with no repercussions. For the remainder of the film he is solar-phobic and runs for cover at dawn.
- Mike Drake is referred to as the sole surviving member of the Dracula line. They didn’t even need to need Mrs. Drake to know that she was unfaithful and little Stevie is not Mike’s kid? Serves Mike right for his oh so bland banter with the neighbor lady Mrs. Park. Mrs. Drake must have been bored about eight years ago. |

Ferrer, Engaging in Critcal Car-Rental Dialogue |
The dialogue is worse than the production
values - |
- “You are right, definitely a vampire tomb.”
- The discussion between Ferrer and the rent-a-car clerk was all pointless. Did they really need expositional dialogue to set up the fact that the convertible was a convertible?
- Did Mike Drake’s wife really need to tell him that he’s a psychologist? That information is never used again.
- Why did Ferrer need to say – I’ll find them with or without your help? |


"Jose-Beret" Beatnik Look |
Mrs. Drake in
her Camping Getup |
Wardrobe – |
With the exception of the military costumes at the beginning and the brief glimpse of the villagers running from the burning Dracula, this must have been a BYO costume film. The family outfits for camping make no sense. The prize must go to
Ferrer’s beatnik with knickers look. All the better for noticing that he was driving a convertible! |
Reason # 692 not to be a communist – |
When you end up guarding the Dracula tomb, you have no cross to ward off the vampires. |

Nailing the Garage Scene on the First Take |
Best Acting in movie – |
The award goes to the dog playing Sampson. As soon as he walked into the garage, hit his mark and sat down our anonymous viewers declared him the best acting so far in the film. Unfortunately for viewers, his performance was the best of the film. |



Zoltan, Chewing
through the
Cabin Roof |
Zoltan, Chewing
through the
Convertible Roof |
Sampson, after
Turning to
the Dark Side |
Dumber than Nancy Drew – |
Alright, after surviving a night when the dogs ate through the roof of a cabin, poked holes in the door and severed live electrical wires with their teeth, who would think to chase those same dogs at sunset in a convertible with the top down? Even worse, our heroes split up and leave the “safety” of the open car, armed only with wooded stakes to chase the same pack of dogs. They got what they deserved.
Let’s face it, did anyone not know that Sampson had gone over to the dark side when Mike Drake opened his door to let Sampson in? Proving again that his was the best acting performance in the film. |


Zoltan, Staring
Down Mike Drake |
Mike Drake,
Baring His Chest to Zoltan |
Climax – |
(Don’t read unless you want the ending spoiled)
Was Mike Drake mesmerized by Zoltan like the prior stuffed dogs and was drawn against his will toward Zoltan or did Mike bare his throat to intentionally display the cross and send Zoltan over the edge? The critics will be discussing this point for years. |

Son of
Zoltan |
KF |