| |
the Movie
Club Annals ... |

The Bees and
Terror Out of The Sky |
? Poseidons |
? |

? |
Bees - Reviewed by
Tony W. |
Out of The Sky - Reviewed by Carl R.
with Quotes
and Contributions from the Entire Movie Club |
The showing of The
Bees and Terror Out of The Sky was the Movie Club's
one and only double-feature to date. Both of these films
fall into the avant-garde category, and both tastefully cover
the delicate subject of killer bees gone awry. |
The Bees |
Terror Out of The Sky |
Starring: John
Saxon and Angel Tompkins
alternate titles: "The
Sleeze" "Bedeviled
by Dee Devil Bees" |
Bees" might well be titled "The Sleeze". Its very
look suggests an unclean booth at a seedy diner in a run-down
neighborhood. Washing your hands after viewing is advised.
Interior set designs and scene lighting bespeak shallow 70's
sensibilities on a garage-sale budget. Add to this the grainy,
blurry quality of the movie and you end up with the feel of a
cheap porn film sans jerkiness. This look would serve the right
script well, but "script", in the minds of those who
set this project in motion, obviously consisted of two
words: "The" and "Bees". |


Dr. Brooks,
making his
impassioned speech to
the villagers. |
villagers, rejecting
the impassioned
speech of Dr. Brooks. |
... and the
end result. |
is a verbatim transcription of the impassioned speech of Dr.
Brooks: |
What do you men want here? All right, all right. I understand.
Now listen to me. I know you no like devil bee. But I did not
bring devil bee. Devil bee is already here. And next year, more!
In two years, many many more las abejas del diablo! Unless ...
unless I fix devil bee so she not sting so bad. Then devil bee
good bee ... make plenty honey! You get honey, sell in market -
make plenty money. But I need time - time to turn las abejas del
diablo into good bee. So go home now. Please go, go home." |
anyone disagree with the reaction of the villagers? |
surprisingly, the cast features recognizable names long past
their marginally superior "primes". John Saxon, a
movie and television stalwart, plays an internationally renowned
Bee Scientist, fresh from addressing an audience of United
Nations delegates. Saxon shares top billing with Angel Tompkins,
whose ditzy, unfocussed performance can't all be acting. She
plays the inexplicably carefree widow of a South American Bee
Scientist killed by bees early in the film. Angel survives this
attack. (Prior to being stung to death, her late husband
delivers one of filmdom's most stupid speeches. A South
American, he tells a crowd of South Americans, "I know you
no like devil bee.") John Carradine, in the terminal stages
of narcolepsy, languishes through his good-natured role of yet
another, eccentric Bee Scientist. To this inept trio is
entrusted the responsibility of saving the world (at least the
United States) from the escalating Killer Bee Menace. If the
world looks as bad as it is portrayed in this film, cheer for
the Bees. They, at least, are clean, orderly, and reside in
aesthetically-pleasing, hexagonal abodes. |


the happy widow,
John Saxon,
and the hooker. |
Bad hair
all the way around |
Yes, he
really is asleep. |
so for Saxon. Although he is a World-Renowned Scientist, his
home is a seedy apartment in what appears to be a ghetto. Angel,
bringing bees to him from South America late at night, is
attacked in the elevator of his building by two low-lives who
are themselves predictably felled by the nasty little insects.
Again, Angel is spared. The Killer Bees must like
her. |
do we mobilize the U.S. to combat this most deadly threat to the
existence of our country? We enlist the resources of the federal
government, of course. But, typically, we discover therein a Bee
Conspiracy, one which dwarfs any Assassination, Watergate, or
Iran-Contra Conspiracy. Nothing must be done to jeopardize the
monies illegally reaped from the Status Bee Quo by scheming
politicians and corrupt, greedy businessmen whose evil is
broadcast to all beholders by their madras-plaid sport coats.
Wealth is apparently preferable to Death for such idiots. Thus,
in keeping with the MRR (Moral Retribution Requirement) of every
Bee movie, they pay dearly for their venality, killed on cue by
...guess who? Thus, the Bee Threat remains. And only John and
Angel are on the case, Carradine having fallen asleep. Later,
thugs in the employ of the Status Bee Quo baddies kill Carradine
(or did he just nod off again?) but are themselves killed by
John and Angel with help from...guess who? |


getting an extra strong
morning drink |
unable to operate the complicated door handle. |
carefully falling
out the window. |
develops a chemical to prevent the Killer Bees from breeding by
turning them into homosexuals who will not mate with the Queen.
This occasions some weak gay bee humor , missing all of the
possibilities offered by "Killer Queen". However, as
Angel and John discover after their inevitable coupling, the
bees have rapidly developed an immunity to this homo-bromide and
they resume their devastation en masse. Our heroic pair awakes
from sexual bliss to discover the walls of their bedroom covered
with thousands of bees who do not attack them. It seems that
they are trying to "communicate" with John and Angel.
Wow! What bad timing! |
of aerial and urban scenes (grainier than the main footage) is
inexpertly spliced into feature footage to illustrate the
horrors of the killer bee attacks. School children, inexplicably
allowed outside at the height of the Bee Attack, get The Big
Sting. High-flying, pressurized, metal aircraft, recruited for
the Bee War, are penetrated by interceptor bees and crash in
flames when their crews, cocooned in flying suits and helmets,
are stung. All of which makes me wonder why no bee has ever
managed to break into my home or car. |
denouement , acted out in a United Nations emergency session, is
preposterous. But, then again, why not end these cinematic bombs
with compassionate quickness? |


giving the U.N. a piece of
his mind. It was a brief
meeting. |
Thompkins, calling
everyone in the U.N.
"... a bunch of idiots."
Convincing, isn't she? |
Bees, flying in the
open skyscraper window
of the U.N. building. |
and wasp stings hurt. Anaphylactic shock, caused by bee stings,
can cause death. So why do I revel in the scenes in which the
bees nail one victim after another? Do I identify with their
ridding society of stupid people and am I expressing that
identification on a different level by metaphorically stinging
the stupid people who made "The Bees". Signs point to
"Yes". |
Ellison, the award-winning science-fiction author and media
critic, once skewered a John Saxon television performance with a
line I've recycled many times: "He should have phoned in
his part." What an interesting possibility this suggests.
Could we not reduce this and the entire Bee Menace genre to a
mere soundtrack, i.e., a radio show? Why not? We all know the
story line - Killer Bees Attack America. Courageous Scientist
And Girlfriend Valiantly Fight Back. Think of how riveting the
utterance"Bzzzzz.....what's that sound?" be on radio. |
from Liz C. |
what were the bees demanding in their negotiations with the
U.N.? While the movie didn't provide any particular insight into
this matter, Movie Club member Liz C. did. Liz, as it happens, speaks fluent Bee,
so she was able to translate for the rest of us. The bees were
demanding to have the letter "B" assigned as the first
letter of the alphabet. We accede, of course, and have
re-written a verse of a once popular Jackson 5 song to show our
commitment to the new system:
BAC ...
Easy as 213 ...
Or simple as re do mi ...
BAC, 213, you, baby and me girl! ...
BAC ...
213, baby, oo ooo!
BAC, baby, nah nah!
Re do mi, baby, huh!
That's how easy love can bee.
A Parting Note
from Dr. Sigmund Hummel |
"Zey know,
zey know everyting. Zey are tinking bees" |
Carradine, as Dr. Sigmund Hummel |

preceding program was brought to you by GNN (Garage News
Network). |

Starring: Efrem
Zimbalist, Jr., Grizzly Adams, and Tovah Feldshu
Out of The Sky" is the sequel to the 1976 movie "The
Savage Bees", which immediately raises a number of red
flags. For starters, just how bad must a movie be before it tries to capitalize on the fame of a
rightfully obscure and
horridly inept production of the same genre? |

red flags only become more foreboding from there, for Terror
is entirely
too boastful of the fact that is was able to secure the acting services
of Dan Haggerty.
Dan Haggerty, if you'll recall, destroyed his illustrious career
as Grizzly Adams when it became apparent that he was Hollywood's
leading consumer of a white powdery substance known to cause
euphoria in fictitious, bearded TV naturalists with weight
problems. |

"Absolute quiet
is necessary" |

still more red flags. As the credits continue rolling on Terror, we flash back to a scene from the climactic conclusion of
its parent movie, The Savage Bees. In this scene, a local official is
using a ten thousand decibel loudspeaker in the middle of
downtown New Orleans to announce that "absolute quiet is
necessary", lest the
stone-deaf killer bees become upset by all the noise. Aside from the
obvious logistical problems with this scenario, we
find that the voice coming through the loudspeaker in Terror
not same voice as was used in Savage. |


Corbett, as
Jeannie Devereux, in
The Savage Bees |
Feldshu, as
Jeannie Devereux, in
Terror Out of The Sky |
still during the opening credits, we are bestowed with yet another
red flag. We are presented with
scene of Jeannie Devereux, heroine of Terror, having a
flashback to Savage, in which she is trembling inside her
killer-bee-laden Volkswagon.
But what is different about Jeannie? Well, she is a different
person - literally. Jeannie was played by Gretchen Corbett in Savage,
while she is played by Tovah Feldshu in Terror. It seems that Gretchen
was too busy to play Jeannie again, as she was co-starring with Eve Plumb (of Brady Bunch
fame), in the acclaimed production of "The Secrets of
Three Hungry Wives". |
a full 54 seconds into the movie, it is confirmed that we are dealing with a bona fide
bad bee movie. Finally, the credits end and we are free to start
dissecting some of Terror's more languid aspects. |


... |
and a-one, and a-two ... |
applying the life-saving
blanket maneuver. |
Observe the above-pictured Lab
Technician at the National Bee Center, having a
particularly bad day at work. |
he is caught red-handed eating some of the specimens he is
supposed to be examining. Worse than that, he doesn't appear to
realize that he shouldn't be eating the lab
specimens. |
he goes out to inspect Hive #112 for killer bee activity. He is
promptly attacked by the little devils, and employs the
unique defensive strategy of dawdling around while the
killer bees sting him repeatedly and en masse. His strategy
backfires, and he
is mortally wounded in the attack. |
As he lay dying on
a gurney, a number of heroic measures are taken to save his life:
1) An
incompetent junior lab technician takes his pulse.
2) Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. pulls a blanket over his knees.
3) Efrem
Zimbalist, Jr. and the
incompetent junior lab technician abruptly cease all forms of
treatment and leave him for dead on the
In spite of receiving the best treatment modern medicine has
to offer, our lab technician cannot overcome the carnage of the
killer bee attack, and his very bad day at work finally comes to
a permanent end.
Perhaps it would have been productive to call a doctor, a nurse,
or an EMT. Or maybe some truly creative measures could have been
like CPR, medication, or a hospital. But the damage is done, and
there's no sense in Monday
morning quarterbacking now.

#112, National Bee Center, 90210 |
an aside, it is never explained why any of the killer bees are
still alive, especially given that they were
all killed off in the first movie. Perhaps the little
conspirators all faked their deaths in order to cash in on their life insurance
It is also never explained why the killer bees selected the National Bee
Center as their destination for this movie. We can only assume it was because
all the State and Municipal Bee Centers were closed for the
holiday weekend, and they had nowhere else to go. |

The Trinity of Imbeciles |
with Tony W's. cousin movie "The Bees", the formula for hunting down wayward
swarms of killer bees is to recruit a trio of ill-equipped,
bungling imbeciles who can't tell a killer bee from a killer
whale. In Terror, this formula is strictly adhered
to. |
have Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., who is usually too preoccupied with
making eyes at Jeannie to worry about the killer bees and their
insidious plans for mankind. |
have Grizbee Adams, who is usually too preoccupied with
making eyes at Jeannie to worry about the killer bees and their
insidious plans for mankind. |
we have Jeannie, who is usually too preoccupied with
making eyes at Grizbee Adams and Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. to worry
about the killer bees and their insidious plans for
mankind. Jeannie is also a raging pedophile with a
penchant for young boys, but we'll come back to that. |
moving along, our imbecilic trio has a mission. The National Bee Center
has accidentally mailed out three boxes of killer bees to
unsuspecting hive owners, and Efrem, Grizbee, and Jeannie must retrieve
them before it's too late. |

The Ill-advised
Theft and Movement of Bee-Box #2 |
bee-box #1 is retrieved by running a teenage driver off the road
in front of a Post Office, then stealing the bee-box off the back
of his truck by committing an act of criminal
impersonation. It is not clear why none of the many available
legal and practical means of doing the same thing were
Missing bee-box #2 has already been transferred into a
hive in a far-away provincial state. Grizbee Adams is kind enough to fly the cracked team
out to Hicksville to retrieve it. Once the Trinity of Imbeciles
pinpoints the precise location of the serpentine hive, they
commit a variety of illegal, immoral, fraudulent, haphazard, and
dim-witted acts in order to separate it from its rightful owner. They ultimately dispose of bee-box/hive #2 by
moving it (against their own advice) into a pickup truck, and
gassing the killer bees with a mysteriously-appearing tank of
insecticide. |



worry, Eric,
it's all legal. |
worry, Eric,
it's all legal. |
beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, ... |
bee-box #3 is where the real action is. It is spotted during
a reconnaissance mission in Grizbee Adam's airplane. Grizbee makes
a spectacular emergency landing
onto a nearby baseball field, where a game is in full progress. |
Determined to quickly track down the last remaining group of
Beelzebub bees, Jeannie immediately hops off the plane so she can organize a
search party. But she has a dilemma. She doesn't want to
risk the safety of any of the available fully-grown,
responsible, self-sufficient adults, a group composed of policemen,
firemen, military personnel, townsfolk, and bee
keepers. So, in order to keep all the defenseless adults
out of harm's way, she uses her seductive charms to
manipulate a 14 year-old Boy Scout and a dozen of his buddies into
searching for the killer bees in
the nearby woods. Her
strategy works. The boys find the bloodthirsty bees, and not a
single adult human is harmed in the process. |
But wait, a problem
... the stone deaf bees suddenly become incensed by
the sound of the nearby marching band, and they swarm into attack
formation. The adult humans are in great peril, and Jeannie must
save them. Her only option is to create a diversion that will
lure the beastly bees away from the adults. She does this by leading
all the minor-aged boys onto a parked bus and repeatedly honking the horn
until it captures the attention of the stone deaf bees. Within
seconds, the stone deaf bees turn their attention away from the
imperiled adults, and toward the honking of the
school bus. The school bus is soon enveloped in a cadaverous
shroud of killer bees, turning it into a veritable death trap
for the children. But the adults are all still safe, and
that's all that matters. |

worry, Eric,
it's all legal. |
is the point at which things begin to get a little weird.
Jeannie, fearing that the killer bees may gain entrance to the
bus through one of the three air vents, instructs all thirteen
strapping young lads to take off their shirts and use them to
block the air vents. Jeannie now has a busload of cherub
Chippendales to keep her occupied while she thinks of the next
big move. The boys now have a little more to worry about
than even they realize, as Jeannie seems destined to land
on the next issue of Registered Sexual Offender's List. |


Dead Bees
Walking! |
The Gas
Chamber |
- very fortunately, Efrem Zimbalist, Jr. concocts a rescue
scheme to get Jeannie and the boys off of the bus before the
situation deteriorates even further.
Efrem's plan is pretty simple. He'll just don a beekeeper's
suit, spray it with queen bee juice, have a Coast Guard
helicopter lower him onto the roof of the bee-infested bus, get
each and every killer bee to land on him, have the Coast Guard
helicopter lift him and killer bees off of the bus, transport
the whole lot of them to an abandoned Coast Guard missile
complex, lower them into the missile silo, walk the bees into a
sealed chamber, and gas them all to death. What
could go wrong? |
of things could go wrong. The first phases of
Efrem's plan go off without a hitch, but through a series of
incomprehensibly stupid moves, Efrem ends up gassing himself
along with the bees. His death was so completely avoidable that
it took a near-Herculean effort to find a way to
get himself killed. After all, this is a man who starred in 239 episodes
of the F.B.I. Perhaps the bees took
control of Efrem's mind. Perhaps they were communicating
demands to him that he didn't understand. Perhaps, like in
"The Bees", the bees had another alphabetic demand.
Maybe they wanted the F.B.I. renamed to the F.Bee.I, the B.F.I., or maybe even the
Bee.F.I. We'll never know for sure. |

Efrem's Swan
Song |
also never know why the Coast Guard had a unit stationed in New Mexico, a
state without a coast. We'll never know if the Boy
Scouts ever fully recovered from their multi-tiered traumas of
that fateful day on the bus. We'll never know if Jeannie and Grizbee ever got married, or if Jeannie
and Eric the Boy Scout stayed in touch over the years. And we'll
never know if
Jeannie ever got help with her rather peculiar
companionship foibles.
Sadly, a sequel to Terror Out of The
Sky was never made. It could have been one of the great
trilogies of all time - "The Savage Bees",
"Terror Out of The Sky", and "Lord of The Bees:
Return of The Queen".
There are many directors who consider unanswered questions to be an artistic way
ending a movie. We do not share in that view. |