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the Movie
Club Annals ...
The Concorde: Airport '79
Reviewed by Tony W.
Wild Blue Yawnder

’79 The Concorde
4 poseidons
Watching Airport
’79:The Concorde caused such cognitive discord and
regression that my initial précis, written before I recovered,
read as follows .
movie is about some dangers some
people flying from Washington to Moscow on the Concorde plane
have. The people nearly get killed a couple times but don’t.
And the people on the plane have stories about them. Some of the
Russians are flying to Moscow to the Olympics. And the
pilot and the stewardess have a love affair. And a woman
reporter who is on the plane is in love with a rich scientist
guy who is already married but he isn’t on the plane. A
different reporter is in love with a Russian Olympic girl. And
the wife of the other pilot was killed a year earlier in an
automobile accident. Also, there’s a crying woman on the plane
who is taking a heart for her son in Paris because he needs a
new one. And one woman on the plane always has to go to the
bathroom. There’s also a jazz player who is allowed to keep
his saxophone with him in his seat and he plays it during the
flight. The owner of the airplane and his pretty wife are also
there. They all almost get shot down by a rocket sent by the
rich guy the reporter loves. Actually, the reporter almost got
killed in her apartment before she got on the plane. A guy who
works for her rich boyfriend wanted to tell her about wrong
things her rich boyfriend’s company was doing and the rich
boyfriend sent a man to kill him at her apartment
but she gets away. The rocket misses the plane because the pilot
dodges it. But before they get to Paris, the rich guy’s bad
friends in France send out a jet to shoot down the plane. They
dodge away from it too and the French Air Force planes shoot
down the jet
that was trying to shoot down the Concorde
plane. So they land in Paris and the reporter meets the rich guy
who flew to Paris on his own plane. She is sad because he tells
her he did bad things with his company and she breaks up with
him. He tells her he’ll confess for the bad things he’s done
and she gets back on the Concorde plane the next day to go to
Moscow. The pilots and the one pilot’s girlfriend and another
woman went out to dinner in Paris. It was raining. But
that night, another bad guy who works for the rich guy sets a
clock to open the luggage door the next day to make the Concorde
plane crash when it is flying. He gets hit by the plane when it
takes off. But the plane starts to crack while they are flying
to Moscow. Instead of crashing they land in the snow in the
mountains and they all get out before the Concorde plane blows
up. The rich guy shoots himself.” |

The Rich Guy,
Shooting Himself |
any astute viewer will want to shoot himself about ten minutes
into this stupid movie. Isolated vignettes, largely embarrassing
and unrelated to A79TC’s
pathetic excuse for a plot, parade uninvited through the film
like episodes in a bad acid trip. Martha Raye’s incontinence,
Jimmy Walker’s “hipness”, David Warner’s diet, and
Charro’s mere presence are recurring irritants which punctuate
a collection of frayed plot threads, none of which is capable of
supporting any narrative development, much less viewer interest.
The actors’ creation of an atmosphere of impending doom must
have resonated strongly in the minds of those poor, hopeless
souls who actually paid to sit inside a dark theater and watch
this film. |



Martha Raye |
Jimmy Walker |
A few facts
to keep in mind if you plan to lobotomize yourself by
actually watching A79TC: |
The t1. The true Concorde has a small interior, not the huge
space (replete with a mini disco area) displayed on screen. |
Robe2. Robert Wagner (the “rich
scientist guy”) authors the best depiction of a dead oak tree
ever seen in film, on stage, or in
a forest. Had he just phoned in his part, it would have been
The i3. The Inevitable love themes
permeate the film like a cloying perfume. Pilot Alain Delon and a
Parisian woman was but a
one-night stand authored by his buddy Alain, he guffaws
uproariously and
the duo trot off for
another stint in the cockpit. Not a surprising reaction, given
that we are told
by George earlier
in the film, “They don’t call it the cockpit for nothin’.” |

"Cockpit" |
But the most melodramatic and incredible relationship is Susan
Blakely’s one-sided affair with Robert
Wagner. Even with evidence of his criminal doings in hand, this
supposedly hard-nosed reporter
fails to recognize Robert’s duplicity and murderous intent.
Instead, she adopts a long-suffering
mien, waiting passively for Robert’s promised public
confession, while he, in turn, makes
further plans to down the Concorde and thus silence her. Love is
blind, and in Susan’s case,
deaf, mute, and totally insensate. |
Wagner |

C 4. The Concorde’s escapes from destruction defy
Newtonian physics. We are to believe that, in George Kennedy’s
hands, this aircraft can maneuver like a fly, that
surface-to-air and air-to-air missiles
can be avoided at will, and that when cracks appear in the
Concorde’s fuselage at Mach 2,
the result is a mildly discomfiting breeze in the passenger
compartment. At one point, George opens the cockpit window,
sticks his hand outside, and fires a flare to distract a
missile, an act which
would have ripped his arm off given the speed at which the plane
was flying. |
5. However, it is reassuring to know that if you wish to crash
land on any snowfield in the Alps, you
only have to provide a 2-minute notice and the resident Swiss
Alpine Crash Landing Army, always at the ready, will
mark the desired
site for you, erect tents, station rescue squads,
and set up international TV coverage, all in about 30 seconds.
You might even be able get in a little skiing and a four-star
meal before being ushered off to your connecting flight.

Concorde Rescue Station
marginal amusement one experiences while watching A79TC
sail along ineptly is tempered by a sobering fact, evident in
almost every disaster movie: Great actors have
chosen, of necessity or critical lapse, to appear in
vehicles unworthy of their talent. Cicely Tyson, a credible
actress, authors a brief and embarrassing role as a mother
transporting a heart to her dying son. Bibi Andersson, the
mainstay of many Ingmar Bergman classics and arguably one of the
finest actresses of her time, has a brief on-screen moment as an
elegant prostitute. And, equally sad, David Warner, the great
English star of Morgan! and Chekov’s The
Seagull, is confined to a small, demeaning role as a flight
engineer grousing about the diet his girlfriend has imposed upon
him. Yet, collectively, Andersson and Warner have produced a
body of serious work second to none.
Graham Greene once excused his dalliances into popular
fiction as “entertainments”. Let us hope that Tyson,
Andersson, and Warner were merely engaging the same excuse.


Cicely Tyson |
Eddie Albert |
it should be noted that the Concorde aircraft and service are no
longer in operation. If only this condition could be applied,
retroactively, to Airport
79 : The Concorde. But do not rest easy!
the near future, the Concorde may be reactivated and shortly
thereafter a chilling thought will slither into conscious
expression from the dim reptilian cortex of some typically
unimaginative Hollywood brain: “Hey!
How about ‘Airport ’04: The Return of The
Concorde’!”. |
the pain! The pain!